Every day, with a credit card in hand, MANY of your most valuable potential customers purchase products or services from someone so that their most urgent problems are solved.

Question is…..Are they buying from you?

I can most certainly tell you that the answer to that question comes down to whether or not:

If you know WITHOUT A DOUBT that you have not subscribed to any of the points above consistently, then KEEP READING because I truly believe that…


is the best model for quickly selling your products and services online.

So if you ever wanted to know how launches work?

Or wanted to learn how to launch your digital product or service properly?

Or maybe you just want a launch partner and cheerleader coaching you through planning and executing your launch?

I have just the thing for you……. because I’m opening the doors to…



Group Coaching Program

My brand new 6 week program focussed on taking you from your launch goals to  execution and beyond!

I’ve taken over a decade of corporate experience working in Investment Banking,
Process Optimisation and Project Management


Invested THOUSANDS of pounds learning all about launching
digital products and services from the best of the best online marketers

I have developed my very own streamlined launch process

This streamlined process is for...

The Best Launch Life program, is hands on and results are driven by focusing on implementation, specifically tailored implementation. I want to make sure that what is being learned is implemented and that how it’s being implemented is tailored and aligned to your business. 

This is why there will only be a maximum of 10 slots available so that the focus is on delivering value and results!

The Best Launch Life program is designed to provide you with support and accountability. It also  helps you;


You’ll follow step by step plans that put the clarity  and ease into the launch planning process.

You’ll also attend weekly  sessions and training workshops to get personalised feedback.

The icing on the cake is that you’ll have me cheering you on and 9 other business owners who are on the same journey as you!

How it works

Initial 1:1 Launch Strategy Call

to get me familiar with your business and set your launch goals

Private Facebook Group

where you can get your questions answered, feedback, teachings and other support

Your input is welcome

As this is a brand new program, you get to help shape it so that it works for you!

6 week teaching and coaching

focussed on


Launch Management

How to keep your launch on track and tackle problems that could arise using my launch management framework

Launch Project Plan

Hands on workshop on how to create a detailed launch project plan in Asana

Repeatable Launch Process

How to get your launch process dialled in so that you can rinse, repeat and optimise with ease

Customer Experience

How to create WOW prelaunch and onboarding experiences for your customers

Launch Assets

Identifying and organising your launch assets

Optimising Your Launches

Launch metrics and learning from past launches to optimise your future launches

Starts on the 6th April

Best Launch Life

£ 397
  • Special introductory price for this first training
  • Learn about launches and how to do them properly
  • Develop a validated rinse and repeat launch process
  • Step by step action plan to implement as you follow along
  • Hands on workshops to get you unstuck


Want a quick chat before signing up?

Book a 30 minute call with me here!

What my clients say...

Peju may be a project management expert by trade but she is also a great listener. She is able to adapt your launch strategy to your business and your preferred way of working so that you are confident in taking necessary action. She has a wonderful way of balancing her empathy and calm with much needed structure and a gentle nudging, compelling you to commit and move forward. She has now become omnipresent in my life! Thinking of her in between sessions motivates me to take the steps I need towards the launch of my online course. Working with her as my coach, and our weekly strategy and accountability sessions is the bright spot in my week!
Robin Altman
Executive Coach & Business Consultant

Your burning Q’s Answered

Do you have another question that has not been answered?

Please send an email with your question to or book a call with me here.


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